Find Your Sacred POWEROur sophistication and worldliness demands can isolate us from the joy of living. Our hyper-busy lives separate us from sacred connections with people, animals, plants, and the natural world.
Find and cultivate what makes you come alive and set a course for living in your sacred power. |
cultivate your sacred powerGather with a community of people on a journey to cultivate the sacred power within. Contribute to creating a collective experience where people thrive.
Together - through connection, conversation and compassion - we will come alive, and what the world needs, is people who have come alive. |
curate your sacred PowerCurated weekend retreats, day-long workshops and half-day thought-provoking conversations, personalized for your family, friends, or colleagues.
In-person and virtual experiences include provocative discussion topics, meditation, yoga, personal exploration, building understanding and compassion circles. |